About Us


About Us

Liberia Athletics Federation (LAF)

The Liberia Athletics Federation (LAF) is a member of the World Athletics  (WA), the Confederation of African Athletics (CAA) and one of the registered and government’s sanctioned sporting associations of the Republic of Liberia.

The LAF has six (6) national athletics clubs and about 59 athletics and communities schools clubs in five (5) counties, including Montserrado, Nimba, Margibi, Bomi, and Grand Bassa Counties.

The LAF has at least eight (8) local events that brought to the fore Liberian athletics and participate in over 4 (four) international competitions annually.

The LAF is managed by the Leadership (Executive), headed by the President Mulbah Zaza, in consultation with the Assembly (Congress).

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Top Elected Officials

These  are  our  three  top  elected  official  

Mulbah Z. Zaza


2012 – Present

Madam Gbour S. Wilson

Vice President Administration 

2008 – Present

Frederick Bobby Krah

Vice President Technical 

2015 – Present

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